About Tracy



Let me introduce myself! I’m Tracy, and I’m the founder of The Small Batch Sanctuary and the author of the Small Batch Discipleship book.

Fortune 500 leadership strategist by day, I spend much of my time speaking to groups, coaching executives, and helping to impact the mission and employee experience at work through leaders. On the faith front, I have also been personally discipling others for over a decade, and training pastors and church members to make disciples all around the world. Having benefitted greatly from the wisdom and care of other people who have poured into my life, it’s my passion to build others up through writing, speaking and teaching in a way that helps them come to experience the love of God.

At home, I am also mom to three fabulous kiddos and sidekick to Cooper, a wiggly doodle full of shenanigans. I love the bible and yoga, outdoor adventures and travel. I’m a considerable fan of veggies and good coffee. And of course, I’m obviously smitten these days by anything with “small batch” in the title.

Wanna connect? Say hi, and tell me a little about yourself!